Smart Features

Dairy Solutions

Innovative Dairy Solutions

Automatic Data Acquistion in Milk collection

FAT, LR and SNF values are directly received from the Analyzers. Liter values are directly received from the weighing scale. Supplier and supplier's can details are received from the wireless terminal. Auto correction option for the values read from Milk Analyzers in order to correct any analyzer error.

Customizable Multiple Rate Charts

Rate charts that are used for bill calculation are maintained separately for cow milk and buffalo milk. Suppliers and Sub Suppliers can have different Rate charts assigned to them. Values are taken from corresponding rate charts for each supplier during bill generation.

Milk producer details Collected data in secured web server

While data acquisition on progress, the system automatically stores the producer details ( Name, Id, Mobile number etc) to the web server, providing the administrator to access the records in an easier way. Once after the milk procurement process cycle, all data are stored in web server, which can be accessed any where through internet.

Auto Bill Generation

Bill can be generated for any period specified by the user. Advance amount which is maintained separately for each customer can be deducted directly during bill generation. Incentive amount is calculated for each supplier automatically during bill generation.


Demerits Of Manual Milk
Procurement Process

  • Excessive time consumption for filling up the data such as supplier details, quantity from weight machine and quality from analyzer.
  • His in turn requires more man power to fill up data and enter the same into system.
  • Conversion of data from paper format to digital format results in higher chances of human error.
  • This process delays the bill generation process with higher chances of faulty bills.